Hema Committee report: No toilets, no dignity; Malayalam film industry's shameful treatment of its women

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Kochi: The Hema Committee report, which finally came out after five years, has exposed the abject gender discrimination persisting in the Malayalam film industry. As per the report, the discrimination stretches from the disparity in remuneration to being denied facilities as basic as toilets on shooting sets. 

Going by the evidence presented before the panel, women artists refrain from drinking water on the sets, especially in outdoor locations, due to the lack of changing rooms and toilet facilities. As per the report, when shooting in remote locations, the women often have to take cover behind thick bushes or trees to relieve themselves.

Even then, they are rarely given clothes or water to clean themselves. The actresses often change costumes behind a large piece of cloth held on both ends either by their assistants or other female technicians.

It is harder during menstruation, the report points out, with artists often facing a tough time changing or disposing of their sanitary napkins. Several artists told the panel that it had become a habit for women in Malayalam cinema not to drink water during the shoot. They are forced to control the urge to relieve themselves for long hours, often leading them to contract UTI (urinary tract infection) or experience other physical discomforts.

The discrimination is not only meted out to the female actors but also those working behind the scenes, including hairstylists, assistants, junior artists etc. The report states a disappointing incident when a junior artist was not allowed by the production unit to use the toilet as it took 10 minutes to reach the nearest washroom, which would cost them time. Many artists have ended up in hospitals on such occasions.

While certain producers refuted the allegations stating women artists are provided expensive caravans on shooting sets, several witnesses disputed this claim stating only heroes and heroines are provided with caravans and other artists are not even allowed to use them. They also said that even if there is a caravan on set, that would not be enough for all those at the location.

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