Kerala issues guidelines for 5-day salary collection from govt staff towards CMDRF

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Representational image: Manorama

The state finance department has issued guidelines for the collection of five days' salary of government employees towards contribution for Chief Minister's Distress Relief Fund (CMDRF). The fund is being collected for the  reconstruction activities in landslide-hit Wayanad.
The government order says that contribution is expected from all the staff of government/PSU/Board/University/Aided/Local bodies/Grant-in-aid/commissions/tribunals and other government institutions.

According to the guidelines, officers concerned will collect a consent letter from the staff regarding contribution of a minimum of five days of salary. The amount so collected will be directed towards a special account being opened in the treasury. Those who contribute the salary can do so in three installments. The staff who wish to contribute more than five days' salary can make contributions in 10 installments.

The amount being contributed towards the CMDRF will be deducted from the salary of August, which will be distributed in September. The order says that the staff can also make contributions towards CMDRF from their provident fund account.

The order notes that expense worth crores are expected in the reconstruction activities in Wayanad and that there is a need to amass as much amount as possible towards CMDRF. Being those with permanent income, the co-operation of all government staff is expected towards the venture, the order notes.

While it says that contribution is not compulsory, the order cites the request of the Chief Minister to all staff not to desist from the contribution. The order has also attached a format of the consent letter which needs to be filled in by the staff and submitted to the officer concerned.

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