Tamil Nadu native bank manager flees with 25 kg pawned gold in Kozhikode

Madhu had served as the manager between June 2023 – June 2024. Photo: Shutterstock/New Africa

Kozhikode: The police have begun a probe after a Bank of Maharashtra official of its Vadakara branch made away with 25 kg of pawned gold worth around Rs 17 crore.
Vadakara police have registered a case against Madhu Jayakumar, a native of Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, following a complaint filed by Irshad, the present manager of the branch. Madhu had served as the manager between June 2023-June 2024, the complaint said.

Though he was recently relieved from the Vadakara branch, he had not joined his new office in Kochi. When the newly appointed manager, Irshad from Panoor, took over charge, he noticed that all the pawned gold was missing and replaced by fake gold. These gold ornaments were pawned by 42 account holders of the bank, the complaint said.

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