Mullaperiyar issue: Interfaith prayers and mass fasting held in Idukki

suresh antony
Father Suresh speaking at the interfaith prayer meeting held at Chappath. Photo: Special Arrangement.

Interfaith prayers and mass fasting were held at Chappath in Idukki on Thursday demanding a solution to the Mullaperiyar issue. The protest was led by Fr. Suresh Antony, Vicar of St. Anthony's Parish, Chappathu, Melshanti Sreejith Thirumeni of Chappathu Sreedharmashasta Temple and Juma Masjid Ustad Maulavi Riyaz Madani. Merchant Association, Drivers Association, Voluntary Organizations, CSI, Church Priests etc. also participated in the prayer.

Father Suresh Antony, chairman of the protest committee, said that the problem could only be solved if the two states came together and discussed it. ''Tamil people should not be seen as enemies. They should be given the water they need. Until the new dam is built, the Mullaperiyar Dam should not store more water. Mullaperiyar Dam should be inspected by an expert committee,'' he said.

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