Female YouTuber's vlogging from Kerala secretariat sparks controversy

Screengrab from the video

Thiruvananthapuram: A female vlogger has stirred up controversy by recording and uploading footage of a farewell function held within the high-security premises of the Kerala Secretariat. Allegations have surfaced that the vlogger conducted the shoot without obtaining the necessary permission from authorities. The home department has confirmed that no such permission was granted to any vlogger for videography, either inside or outside the secretariat.

The vlogger had captured the visuals of an unofficial farewell given to the planning department special secretary and uploaded it on her YouTube channel. In the introduction to the video, the YouTuber was seen on the secretariat premises. The illegal vlogging was carried out in the high-security zone of the secretariat where even journalists with accreditation are not allowed for photography or videography.

The farewell ceremony was held on Wednesday at the planning department section of the secretariat. Employees of the department and the special secretary were seen in the video.

Videography or photography is strictly banned in the secretariat for almost a year due to security reasons. Amid this, the vlogger allegedly intruded into the secretariat complex and captured the visuals. It is learnt that the vlogger is the daughter of the special secretary.

The transfer of the special secretary from the planning department has triggered a controversy in the secretariat. It is alleged that the rift within the pro-CPM association of the employees led to the transfer of the senior official.

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