Kochi: YouTuber Sooraj Palakkaran was arrested here on Friday for allegedly making derogatory remarks against a young female actor. Palarivattom police arrested the vlogger over the actor's complaint. The Malayalam actor told the media that the vlogger used to insult women through his social media platforms. She added that Sooraj Palakkaran made the offensive comment on her while facing charges in a similar case.

Two days ago, a court had remanded Sooraj in judicial custody in a case registered by Ernakulam South Police.As per this case, Sooraj had insulted the woman who filed a complaint against journalist Crime Nandakumar. He was booked under IPC section 509 (insulting modesty of woman) and SC/ST act. The YouTuber went absconding after the woman lodged a complaint with the police. When the cops raided his house, he was forced to surrender at the police station. 

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