Drone-based contour mapping, 4 more cadaver dogs to aid Wayanad search ops: Revenue Min

Ministers P A Mohamed Riyas, K Rajan inspect disaster-hit area in Wayanad. File Photo: Manorama

Wayanad: Revenue Minister K Rajan announced on Sunday that a meeting of the ministerial sub-committee with the heads of all forces involved in the search operation, as well as the District Collector and other officials, will discuss a revised strategy to be implemented from Monday at the landslide-hit Chooralmala and Mundakkai regions.

"The team has begun creating a new contour map using drones to assess the elevation differences across regions, identify areas with more debris, and plan an extensive search in those specific locations," Rajan said. He added that four specialised cadaver dogs will be airlifted from Meerut to Wayanad to assist in the intensified search efforts.

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