Lone son a drug addict, Kerala couple set themselves ablaze, cops collect fuel station visuals

The deceased Raju Thomas George (69) and Laiji Thomas (63). Photo: Manorama

Pathanamthitta: A day after two people set themselves ablaze in a car at Vengal, Thiruvalla, the police have started collecting CCTV visuals from fuel stations in the neighbouring areas. Remnants from the charred car were sent to lab for further investigation.

The police suspect that they may have bought petrol/diesel from a fuel station to set fire to the car. The suicide note recovered from their residence showed that they planned to end their lives due to their son's drug addiction.

The couple had a son who was a BSc nursing graduate. He had been employed in Bahrain, however lost his job due to drug addiction. The couple ran out of their savings after they spent so much money on treating their son. He is currently divorced and is under treatment at a a de-addiction centre.
Of late the couple who committed suicide had found it hard to survive after they had spent their savings on their son and his treatment, police said.  

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