School ragging: Three class 9 boys assaulted by seniors in Neeleswaram govt school

One of the boys who sustained injuries, in the assault, at a hospital in Omassery on Wednesday. Photo: Screengrab/Special arrangement

Kozhikode: Three students of class 9 in Government Higher Secondary School, Neeleswaram, were allegedly assaulted by a gang of class 10 students on Wednesday. The students who suffered injuries were admitted to a hospital in Omassery and discharged by evening.

Ansin Hannan, Aadhin and Arjun were beaten on their heads by a 20-member gang inside the campus, said a parent. Sulfeekar Ali, the father of Ansin, said his son and friends were attacked when they were going for lunch.
“My son used to complain about senior students making issues. He wanted to change the school. But we never expected this kind of cruelty inside the campus,” Ali told Onmanorama. He said Ansin has injuries on his face, head and abdomen. “Tomorrow he has to go for an MRI scan,” Ali said.

The parents complained to the Mukkom Police Station. The police said they would inquire at the school on Thursday.

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