Bengaluru: The Karnataka government on Wednesday said that some media outlets in Kerala were unnecessarily blaming the State for the rescue operations in Shirur. The observation was made during an emergency meeting chaired by the Karnataka Chief Secretary regarding the rescue operations for Kozhikode native Arjun after a landslide in Shirur.

The Karnataka Chief Secretary participated online in the meeting held at Ankola International Hotel. The meeting was attended by the Uttara Kannada District Commissioner, the Superintendent of Police, and other officials. The meeting was also attended by Manjeshwaram MLA AKM Ashraf representing Kerala.


Ashraf clarified that the Kerala media were not blaming Karnataka but just highlighting certain issues. The MLA assured that Kerala stands with Karnataka in the efforts to find Arjun and expressed gratitude for the State's efforts. Measures were also suggested to improve communication with the media.

Discussions were held on intensifying the emergency search operations and bringing in more equipment. Authorities confirmed that there is a clear plan to locate Arjun and his truck, and that more equipment from Goa will arrive soon.