Quarry collapse damages houses at Vattipram in Kannur; 25 families evacuated

House destroyed in the quarry collapse. Photo: Screengrab/ Manorama News

Kannur: Two quarries at Vattipram near Koothuparambu in Kannur district collapsed on Sunday triggering a mudslide which caused significant damage to properties and left one person injured. The quarries, which had been abandoned around 20 years ago and were filled with water. Water from the quarries along with slush entered nearby houses.

The incident which occurred in the morning affected the house of Mandambeth Leela and her husband Babu the most. Their house was destroyed by the landslide. Fortunately, Leela, who was outside feeding her cattle at the time, escaped with minor injuries. 

"In addition to the damaged caused to Leela and Babu's house, two other houses were partially damaged, and another house was deemed uninhabitable. We decided to evacuate the residents of 25 nearby houses as a precautionary measure. The displaced residents will be temporarily relocated to a camp set up at Vattipram UP School,'' C P Mani, Thalassery Tahasildar, said.

Emergency services and local authorities responded swiftly to the scene, providing immediate relief and support to the affected families. Efforts are ongoing to assess the full extent of the damage and ensure the safety of the evacuated residents.

The collapsed quarry. Photo: Screengrab/ Manorama News
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