Thrissur Mayor loses support of his deputy, demand for resignation intensifies

Thrissur Mayor M K Varghese chairs a council meeting on Saturday. Deputy Mayor M L Rosy (on his right) raised serious allegations against him. Photo: Special arrangement

Thrissur's Left-backed Mayor M K Varghese is growing increasingly unpopular within the Corporation Council. On Saturday, when the council convened after a break, Deputy Mayor M L Rosy criticised Varghese. At the same time, members of the opposition, Congress, wore black gowns in protest and pressed for the Mayor's resignation.

Rosy alleged a lack of cohesion in the administration, as she alleged that Mayor Varghese had made decisions on administrative matters without her knowledge.

Rosy explicitly named Varghese and claimed he took the decisions with standing committee (health) chairman Varghese Kandamkulathy, who is a district committee member of CPM. Rosy also accused Varghese of keeping her in the dark about his ten-day foreign trip.

The protesting Congress members alleged there was an administrative paralysis in the Corporation. The CPI, which has repeatedly demanded Varghese's ouster based on his alleged nexus with BJP's MP, Suresh Gopi, recorded its protest by not participating in the council discussions. However, the members of CPM remained in support of the Mayor.

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