Food poisoning: 25 students of Alappuzha school hospitalised

Representative Image. Photo: iStockPhoto/ Tharakorn

Alappuzha: At least 25 students have been admitted to the General Hospital in Alappuzha with food poisoning allegedly from the Lutheran High School at Komalapuram in Aryad. The admitted students mainly belong to the LP section of the school. The children were served sambar, beans and curd for lunch. The condition of the students is said to be stable.

“We serve lunch daily to 625 students. Of these 25 students showed some problems post-lunch. This has never happened before. This is an unfortunate incident. The students were admitted only as a precautionary measure. There is nothing more to it,” said Bindu, headmistress of the school.

She said the lunch was prepared by two kitchen staff. Occasionally teachers also help during free hours. Every precaution was taken to ensure hygiene and safety during preparation. The PTA members also conduct regular checks and the school management enjoys the full support of the PTA, the headmistress said.

However, it is alleged that there was a difference in opinion between a few PTA members and the school authorities over the preparation of food. These parents had supposedly visited the school following the incident of food poisoning and blamed the staff for ignoring their warnings.

“Certain members of the PTA were not happy with the way the food was being prepared, and they made it known to the school authorities during their last meeting. Today, they came to school and in a loud voice told the staff that they were the reason for the incident,” said M Anilkumar, ward member.

Anilkumar has alleged that more than 45 children sought medical help in various hospitals and clinics. “While no less than 45 children have sought medical help, there are many others who haven't done so. A few teachers who had lunch with the students are also reportedly sick. Most of them have decided against getting admitted to hospitals and relied on home remedies,” Anilkumar said.

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