Gold-plated chains stolen from Christian pilgrimage centre in Thrissur

The glass casing of a statue appears broken. Photo: Special arrangement

Thrissur: Two gold-plated chains were stolen from the Christian pilgrimage centre of Geevarghese Sahada, a chapel, at Manakkody in Thrissur on Friday. The glass casing of a saint's statue was broken by the intruder(s). The Anthikad Police have started an investigation based on CCTV footage.

It was found that there was also an attempt to break the donation box using a concrete block. The intruder(s) broke a side window to enter the chapel. The theft first came to the attention of caretakers, who arrived in the morning.

On hearing the news about the theft, several devotees visited the pilgrimage centre, which falls under the jurisdiction of St Antony's Church at Arimpur.

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