LS poll debacle: CPM Kottayam dist panel slams CM, MV Govindan for alienating voters

Pinarayi Vijayan, MV Govindan. File Photos.

Kottayam; A meeting of the CPM Kottayam District Committee to assess the Lok Sabha election results unleashed a scathing attack on Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan for alienating various voter segments. Members also criticised the performances of Health Minister Veena George, MB Rajesh, and party state secretary MV Govindan.

During the meeting, the Chief Minister was condemned for publicly rebuking Thomas Chazhikadan during the Navakerala Sadas in Pala. When Chazhikadan, who was an elected representative, raised a demand on a public stage, the CM's harsh response created public resentment. The CM should have addressed the situation more appropriately when the MP from Kottayam demanded an increase in the support price of rubber, which led to a loss of Kerala Congress (M) votes at the grassroots level. The words the CM used against Chazhikadan were deemed unacceptable.

On a similar note, the CM's stance favouring the vicar of a church in Poonjar, following an attempted assault by a group of students, antagonised another community. Publicly correcting a religious leader on this issue further turned certain voter sections against the party.

The performance of MB Rajesh and Veena George as ministers was also scrutinised. Veena George's handling of the health ministry, previously managed effectively by KK Shailaja, has caused public dissatisfaction. Concerns about the current state of the Health Department were raised.

Criticism towards MB Rajesh focused on increased taxes in the Local Self Governance Department, which was cited as a reason for voter loss. MV Govindan's press conferences, both before and during the election campaign, were criticized for being unconvincing and unhelpful to the party.

Candidate selection for the Pathanamthitta Parliament seat was also a point of contention. Members felt that Thomas Isaac was an unsuitable candidate for the seat and pointed out that former MLA Raju Abraham would have been a better choice. They believed Isaac should have contested from Alappuzha instead.

Regarding the Kottayam Parliament seat, the party failed to identify and address vote leakage to BDJS, which went on to lead even in CPM-dominated panchayats. Although the allocation of the parliament seat to Kerala Congress (M) was not criticized, some members expressed that Thomas Chazhikadan should not have been fielded as the candidate.

Although the party leadership campaigned for Thomas Isaac in the Poonjar and Kanjirappally assembly segments, there was a notable leakage of votes. The District Committee meeting was held in the presence of CPM state committee members TP Ramakrishnan and Minister VN Vasavan

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