Landslide causes huge boulder to roll downhill, families shifted in Kozhikode

Boulder rolls down slope at Koorachundu in Kozhikode. Photo: Special arrangement

Kozhikode: Seven families residing in a valley at Koorachundu in Kozhikode were shifted to safety after a landslide caused a huge boulder to roll down the slope posing threat to the residents. 

The boulder has been stuck after it rolled over to thick creepers on the hill. Local residents heard loud noise of landslide and they spotted the boulder being stuck on the hill. 

A total of eight families are staying in the area and seven families have been shifted. There are 10 more families living in the surrounding area. Police officials and grama panchayat authority reached the spot on Thursday night and started shifting the families.

 The landslide happened on the top of the Manichery Mala at Illippilayi in Kallanodu. Ward member Simily Biju said that the boulder poses a big threat to the residents and that it has to be removed safely.

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