3-year-old hospitalised after mother's stepfather pours hot tea on him

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Thiruvananthapuram: A three-year-old boy suffered severe burns after boiling hot tea was poured on him in Mannanthala here on Friday. The child is currently receiving treatment for his injuries at Thiruvananthapuram SAT Hospital.

The stepfather of the child's mother allegedly poured the tea on the boy. The child has sustained burn injuries on his stomach and leg. The child was staying at his mother's place after she left for a house maid's job in Bengaluru. The boy's parents learnt about the injuries only after their neighbours informed them about the same.

The grandparents however, insisted that the boy was scalded when the boiling water on the stove accidentally fell on him. The police have take the stepfather into custody. 

Abhijit, the boy's father, stated that the stepfather constantly harassed the child. He alleged that no case was registered against the accused despite lodging a complaint through Child Line.  

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