2 hours to cover 12 km, Kuthiyathode residents on warpath against NH works in Alappuzha

The members of the Samithi had blocked the NH works on Tuesday demanding steps to end the constant traffic blocks in the area. Photo: Special arrangement.

Alappuzha: The residents of Kuthiyathode along the Thuravoor - Aroor National Highway stretch are fed up with the constant delays and chaotic nature of traffic caused due to the ongoing elevated highway works here.

“After earmarking the width required for the construction of the elevated highway, only a limited space is left on either side for the vehicles to move through. Even on a normal day, it takes almost two hours to cover the 12-kilometre distance between Aroor and Thurvaoor,” said Saneesh Payikkad, member of Kuthiathode panchayat and secretary of the Janakiya Samithi formed to protest against the inaction of authorities to solve the traffic problems here.

The members of the Samithi stalled the NH works on Tuesday demanding steps to end the constant traffic blocks in the area. It was called off after a meeting involving local police and officials of the construction company ensured prompt action.

“The road stretch here is in a dilapidated condition. When they expanded the edges of the highway, they did it by covering the drainage system. As a result of this, the problem of water logging has now become acute,” says Saneesh.
According to him, the lack of coordination between the various departments is making the situation worse.

“There are no police or MVD officials here to control the vehicles. No one is following the lane traffic. The construction company has deployed workers to direct the traffic, but no one listens to them. Homeguards should be deployed here to control the traffic,” he said.

The idea of a Janikiya Samithi to voice protest against the traffic chaos in Kuthiyathode was floated just a week ago. Within two days, more than two thousand members joined the Samithi. “If this does not show the frustration of the people, what does?” asks Saneesh.

As a result of Tuesday's protest, Alappuzha District Collector Alex Varghese visited the area on Wednesday and held a meeting with the Samithi members, local police as well as officials of the construction company. It was decided to divert the traffic to the north through Kumbalam and to the south through Arookutty.

The Samithi members who were planning to block the NH works again on July 4 have postponed it for now, after receiving assurance from the collector. “We will wait for a few days and check if amends are being made. If not, we will again block the work to bring attention to the issue,” says Saneesh.

The NHAI has asked for three days to do patchwork on the eastern stretch of the NH from Aroor to Thurvaoor. After this, work on the western stretch from Thuravoor to Aroor will be taken up. Work will begin on Saturday or Sunday provided rain keeps away.    

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