DRI completes extraction of 3.2 kg cocaine worth Rs 32 cr from Tanzanians held at CIAL

Tanzanian nationals Veronica Adrehelm Ndunguru and Omari Athumani Jongo. Photos: Special arrangement

Kochi: In its latest update, the Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI) has placed the total quantity of cocaine seized from a pair of Tanzanians arrested at the Nedumbassery Airport in Kochi the other day at 3.29 kg. The total value of the drug is estimated to be Rs 32.42 crore.

The DRI had extracted 1,945 grams of cocaine worth Rs 19 crore from a male passenger, Omari Athumani Jongo, last week. The female passenger, Veronica Adrehelm Ndunguru had been hospitalised for the process of extraction. Now, the investigators have confirmed the extraction of 95 capsules weighing 1,342 grams, valued at Rs. 13.42 cr, from the female accused.

The Tanzanian duo had been intercepted last week upon arrival at Nedumbassery from Ethiopia via Doha. The investigators had specific intelligence about the smuggling attempt. The presence of the foreign body in the stomachs of the passengers was confirmed in X-Ray screening. The two have been remanded.

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