Kanamvayal natives raise an orphaned grey langur, now its become a menace

The villagers named the grey langur Raman. Photo: Special arrangement

Kannur: The villagers of Kanamvayal near Cherupuzha in the Kannur district are having a nightmare due to a Grey Langur that they raised.

The villagers claim they fed and cared for the monkey that was found abandoned by its group while still a baby. They named him Raman. But recently it turned hostile and started attacking people. The villagers now have to accompany children to bus stops out of fear of the monkey.

Joseph Lijo, a student of class 9, was twice attacked by the langur. It bit him and clawed at his hands and legs. The villagers say authorities have not taken their multiple complaints seriously. “The villagers have filed complaints with the local body and the forest and agriculture departments. I contacted the forest department when the Langur attacked my son a second time,” said Jincy Lijo, mother of Joseph.

The villagers say the langur also attacks domestic animals and damages the tiled roofs of houses and buildings. Even tourists were attacked, say the villagers.

Most of the attacks are reported during the day and it is women and children who are often the targets. The villagers claim that at night the langur will slip into the forest. “We are ready to extend any kind of help to the department which tries to nab the monkey,” said K F Alexander, president of Cherupuzha Panchayat.

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