Wild elephant 'Kabali' blocks KSRTC bus & ambulance on Athirappilly-Malakkappara inter-state highway

Kabali elephant
Kabali blocked an ambulance at 10 pm and a KSRTC bus at 5 pm on the same day. Photo: Special Arrangement.

Wild tusker 'Kabali' blocked a KSRTC bus and an ambulance on the Athirappilly-Malakkappara inter-state highway on Thursday. The incident occurred at around 5 pm at Pathadipalam when the KSRTC bus, travelling from Chalakudy to Malakkappara, encountered the elephant blocking its path. Kabali stood in the way for about 20 minutes before moving off the road.

At around 10 pm, Kabali again blocked an ambulance from the Department of Scheduled Caste Development near Nellikkunnu curve in Thottapura. The ambulance was transporting a man who got injured during the fall while running away from an elephant in Chalakudy.
Kabali had retreated to the forest two weeks ago. The elephant is known for its aggressive behavior towards vehicles. Many two-wheeler riders have sustained injuries while attempting to escape Kabali's attacks. Recently, an Adivasi youth was injured after jumping off a rock while trying to escape from the elephant.

Kabali is commonly sighted in the area from Anakayam to Sholayar View Point. In the past, the elephant attempted to overturn a forest department jeep and forced a private bus to reverse for several kilometers. Frequently, Kabali halts traffic on forest roads and charges at two-wheelers. Previously, the elephant also caused panic by charging at employees at the Amblapara power station. A security guard at Sholayar Dam narrowly escaped an attack by Kabali eight months ago.

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