9-year-old dies after getting stuck in gate at Tirur; heartbroken grandmother passes away

Muhammad Sinan. Photo: Special Arrangement

Tirur: A 9-year-old boy tragically lost his life after getting stuck in an automatic gate at Vailathur in Malappuram's Tirur on Thursday. Muhammad Sinan, the son of Kunnasseri Abdul Gafoor and Sajila, succumbed to injuries after he became trapped in the gate. After hearing the devastating news, Gafoor's mother, Asya (51), collapsed and passed away around midnight.

The incident occurred at around 4 pm on Thursday when the child who was on his way to the mosque for prayers got caught in the automatic gate of a neighbouring house. A passerby found him trapped and promptly rushed him to a clinic in Vailathur and subsequently to a private hospital in Kottakkal. Despite efforts, young Sinan could not be saved. The inhabitants of the house where the accident occurred were away on Hajj.

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