JDS Kerala unit severs ties with national leadership, to rebrand as new party

JD(S) state president Mathew T Thomas. Photo: Manorama

Thiruvananthapuram: In a significant development, the Kerala unit of Janata Dal Secular (JDS) has opted to rebrand itself by shedding its current party name and establishing a new political entity.

JDS state president Mathew T Thomas on Tuesday confirmed that efforts are underway to register a fresh name for the party. The final decision will be made following a review of legal aspects. "We are steadfast in our support for the LDF. The Kerala unit would align with JDS only if the national leadership disassociates itself from the BJP," he said.

Currently, JDS has two MLA from Kerala- Thomas and K Krishnankutty. Krishnankutty currently holds a ministerial portfolio. The state unit has severed ties with the national leadership due to their electoral alliance with the BJP. Recent controversies involving Prajwal Revanna, the grandson of national president H D Deve Gowda, also accelerated efforts within the Kerala unit to establish a new political entity.

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