Man injured in Wayanad after being chased by wild elephant

Representative image/Shutterstock/Thipwan

Mananthavadi: A man who was chased by a wild elephant sustained injuries after he fell down while running at Elambilassery, near Appappara, here, on Thursday morning The wild elephant charged at Sreenivasan, 43, who is an autorickshaw driver. He was walking through the narrow road in the jungle to the spot where his autorickshaw was parked.

Though Sreenivasan tried to run away, the animal went after him and Sreenivasan fell down. However, the elephant backed out as the local people who gathered at the spot hearing the screams of Sreenivasan, scared away the animal. When the elephant moved away, the forest department personnel and local people shifted Sreenivasan to Medical College Hospital, Mananthavadi. Sreenivasan is under observation now and his condition is stable, police said.

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