Google Maps trouble: Munnar-bound car carrying Telangana tourists falls into canal in Alappuzha

The car fell into a canal on Thanneermukkom Road in Cherthala. Photo: Manorama

Alappuzha: A vehicle carrying tourists from Telangana to Munnar using Google Maps fell into a canal on Thanneermukkom Road in Cherthala here on Wednesday morning. The incident happened on the Cherthala-Thanneermukkom Road, at the end of the Kalarikkal Studio-Health Centre stretch, near Kattachira Junction.

The youth were on their way to Munnar from Madurai via Kollam and Alappuzha. According to a youth, who was in the car, when they reached the health centre, Google Maps stopped showing the location. Later, when they tried to turn the vehicle, the rear tyre got stuck in a canal.

They quickly stopped the vehicle and started shouting for help. Onlookers and passersby rushed to the vehicle and let them out. With the help of an excavator, the car was pulled out of the canal after two hours. Since the vehicle was not damaged, the group continued their journey to Munnar.

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