After suffering another disappointing defeat in the Lok Sabha Elections in Kerala, Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan said that the Left Front and the CPM would examine the reasons for the poll drubbing. LDF, which has been ruling the state since 2016, won only one seat, repeating its performance in the 2019 general election. Read More: Analysis | S(h)ame story for LDF in 2019 & 2024

Focusing on the national verdict, he said people have rejected the BJP's divisive agenda. “The outcome of the 2024 Lok Sabha elections serves as a resounding response to the BJP's concerted efforts to challenge democracy and fundamental values. The majority of the populace rejected the BJP's propaganda campaigns, which were facilitated by a section of the media, central agencies, and influential entities,” he wrote in a post on Facebook.

He acknowledged that the Left front failed to improve its tally this time too. “The LDF failed to secure the anticipated results, echoing a similar outcome to that of 2019. The government now needs to engage in deeper introspection, conduct necessary investigations, and implement corrective measures to ensure more effective governance. Efforts to counter organised propaganda campaigns against the government and address misconceptions among the public will be intensified," the chief minister said.


"We are also giving considerable thought to BJP's victory in the Thrissur constituency. The fact that the BJP secured a win in a state known for upholding secularism and democracy warrants critical examination," he said.

"Adhering to democratic principles and acting responsibly towards the electorate will guide the Left front's future trajectory. Expressing gratitude to the people for their decisive support towards progress and constructive governance, the government will continue to implement policies aimed at fostering unity among the people and advancing the nation's welfare. I also recognise and thank those who voted against the BJP in defence of democracy. The government reaffirms its commitment to protecting and upholding democratic principles,” Pinarayi said in the post.

UDF's votes share dipped: Govindan
CPM State Secretary MV Govindan on Wednesday defended the LDF in the state by pointing to the UDF's performance. “UDF experienced a 5 per cent decline in votes statewide, whereas LDF saw only a 1 per cent decrease. They even lost a sitting seat,” Govindan argued.


He added that a thorough analysis and rectification process would be initiated to address the setbacks suffered by the Left. He noted that while UDF's vote share decreased from 47 per cent in 2019 to 42 per cent this time, LDF's decline was marginal, from 36 per cent to 35 per cent. He also rejected claims of LDF's support base crumbling, highlighting that even with media bias favouring UDF, the decrease in LDF's vote share was minimal.

M V Govindan addresses media. Photo: Screengrab/ Manorama News
M V Govindan addresses media. Photo: Screengrab/ Manorama News

“Joy's defeat in Attingal was a narrow one. It is almost equivalent to a victory. He was defeated by a mere 684 votes. The fact that everyone will stand together in Delhi irrespective of who wins may have also contributed to this result,” he said.

“The unexpected shift of Congress votes to BJP led to Suresh Gopi's victory in Thrissur. While Congress lost 86,000 votes in Thrissur, we suffered a loss of only 6,000. Suresh Gopi won by a majority of 74,000. Congress let the BJP win,” he added.

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