Alappuzha sewage cleaners strike: Hotels may face closure, warns KHRA

sewage cleaners strike
The distributions of the lorries among the present STPs and the fee amount to be collected will be finalised on Thursday. Photo: Special Arrangement.

Alappuzha: The ongoing strike by tanker lorries and staff involved in the collection of septic tank waste has entered its second day on Tuesday. Raising concerns about potential hotel closures, the Kerala Hotels and Restaurant Association (KHRA) has warned that its members may be forced to shut down if a solution isn't found soon.
"We depend on them to remove our toilet waste. If the strike continues, things will get tough. While small eateries may get by, medium-range and large hotels will not be able to continue functioning for more than 2-3 days. If the situation escalates, the livelihood of several families may be affected," said Roy Madonna, state secretary of KHRA.

The Association has urged the government to intervene and resolve the issue or find alternative sewage disposal methods. Meanwhile, the sewage cleaners clarified that the strike would continue until their demands were met.
"Several people contacted us yesterday and today to have their sewage collected. We explained the situation to them, and they declined our service. The authorities have to wake up to our problems and find a solution. The strike will continue till then," said Pradeep Mavelikkara, joint secretary of BMS, Alappuzha South Zone.

There is no functioning sewage treatment plant in Alappuzha. All the major institutions in the district, including the district collectorate, district court, police stations, and government hospitals, depend on these cleaners to remove their septic tank waste.
The sewage cleaners are forced to dump the raw sewage in the open in remote areas of the district, usually in the dark. This often leads to conflicts with residents, and fines are imposed on them for dumping waste in open areas.

The work on the Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) at Cherthala, although 70% complete, has come to a halt due to a lack of funds. Though Medical College, NTPC, and Infopark plants function below their capacity, they are not open to treating sewage from outside sources.
The sewage cleaners are demanding the timely commissioning of the STP at Cherthala and the opening of the plants at the Medical College, NTPC, and Infopark to treat external sewage. Over 100 tanker lorries and 250 staff are participating in the strike.

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