London shooting: Cops turn to Turkish, Kurdish groups for clues; Malayali girl critical

Photo 1: Detective Chief Superintendent James Conway, local policing lead for Hackney and Tower Hamlets; Photo 2: Image of a red motorbike from which the offender fired at the victims. Photo: Metropolitan Police/X

London: As the nine-year-old Malayali girl, who was shot at a Turkish restaurant here, continues to battle for her life, the police are searching for more clues on who may be the perpetrator. The Metropolitan Police on Friday released an image of a red motorbike from which the offender fired at the victims on Wednesday night, and requested the public to offer any information they may have on the subject. The bike was a Ducati Monster, with a white body, red chassis and red wheels.

The police have also reached out to the Turkish and Kurdish communities, particularly in north and east London, for clues. The three men who were shot besides the girl have connections with these communities. The police suspect that the shooting, which was pre-planned, could have been the result of a gang feud.

“Officers have now established that the motorbike was previously stolen in 2021 from a property in Wembley. At the time of the shooting the bike was displaying the registration plates DP21OXY. We are releasing an image of the motorbike today and want to hear from anyone who might recognise it. I am particularly keen to hear from you if you saw it on the day of the incident. Or perhaps you recognise it from being parked up in a driveway or a specific location? Or do you know someone who has been using this bike at any point over the past three years? It may not have always displayed those registration plates,” Detective Chief Superintendent James Conway, local policing lead for Hackney and Tower Hamlets said.

“We are specifically reaching out to our Turkish and Kurdish communities, particularly in north and east London, who I know are shocked and appalled by this crime. This is because the three men who were shot have connections with these communities,” he added. No arrests have been made and Met Police said they were keeping an “open mind” as to the motive, Conway told the media.

Meanwhile, Erim Metto, CEO of the Turkish Cypriot Association also urged people from Turkish and Kurdish communities to offer information if any. “As a community we are shocked by the incident that occurred at a restaurant in Hackney which has led to four people being shot, including a young child. We urge anyone from the Turkish and Kurdish communities that may have any information to come forward and speak to police. If you do not feel comfortable to speak with police directly, you may do so through your community leaders, your faith leaders, Turkish Police Association or anonymously through Crimestoppers,” Erim Metto said.

Malayali girl continues to be critical
Lissel Maria (10), daughter of Vinaya and Ajeesh of Gothuruthu in Kochi, was injured when an unidentified man shot from a stolen bike at a Turkish restaurant in Dalston. The Malayali family, settled in Birmingham for over two years, was eating at the restaurant when the incident happened. According to The Guardian, the girl and family were visiting their relatives in London. Her parents are IT professionals in Birmingham.

Three men, who were also injured in the incident, were rushed to hospital with gunshot wounds. Two men aged 44 and 42 remain in hospital in a stable condition, with one facing life-changing injuries. The third man – aged 37 – has been discharged from hospital.

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