Alappuzha: Chaos erupted at a restaurant near Kalarcode in Alappuzha Town Friday evening when a policeman, allegedly under the influence of alcohol, ransacked the place wielding a steel rod.
The Alappuzha South Police arrived on the scene and took the accused, Joseph, CPO of the Changanassery Police Station, into custody. His arrest is yet to be confirmed.

The policeman rode his bike into the restaurant at Kalarcode in Alappuzha on Tuesday. Photo: Mukesh Venu/Onmanorama
The policeman rode his bike into the restaurant at Kalarcode in Alappuzha on Tuesday. Photo: Mukesh Venu/Onmanorama

According to eyewitnesses, the cop shattered the glass walls using the steel rod before riding his two-wheeler into the restaurant. Later, he ransacked the interiors of the restaurant. The cop was allegedly under the influence of alcohol, according to onlookers.


Joseph accused the hotel of selling stale food which resulted in his son getting admitted to the Medical College Hospital in Alappuzha with food poisoning. His son allegedly ate at the restaurant two days ago.

Joseph raised the issue with the hotel owner Rashid. This escalated into a fight with Joseph resorting to the aforementioned acts of violence. Rashid denied the allegation of selling stale food and refuted Joseph's claim.

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