Malayali girl shot in London fighting for life, no arrest made

country-made pistol
Representational image: Reuters

London: The nine-year-old Malayali girl, who was shot at a restaurant while she was attending a family dinner, is fighting for her life in the hospital, local media reported. Detective Chief Superintendent James Conway said the Metropolitan Police believed that she was an 'innocent victim of an indiscriminate gun crime.'
No arrests have been made and Met Police said they were keeping an “open mind” as to the motive, Conway told the media.

Lissel Maria (10), daughter of Vinaya and Ajeesh of Gothuruthu in Kochi, was injured when an unidentified man shot from a stolen bike at a Turkish restaurant in Dalston. In a short clip posted on X, loud revving and multiple gunshots can be heard. The lights of a motorbike and a passerby are also captured. The vehicle was later found abandoned nearby.

The Malayali family, settled in Birmingham for over two years, was eating at the restaurant when the incident happened.

Three men, who were also injured in the incident, were rushed to hospital with gunshot wounds. Their condition has been described as stable, but one potentially faces life-changing injuries, Hackney Gazette reported.

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