Malayali tourist shot dead by robbers in Thailand

The victim, Kadapparamban Varghese (65). Photo: Manorama

Kalady: In a disturbing incident, a Malayali tourist was shot dead by armed robbers in Thailand last Friday. The victim is identified as Kadapparamban Varghese (65) a native of Kadappara in Malayattoor.
According to the information conveyed to Varghese’s relatives on Wednesday, he was killed while resisting a robbery attempt. The Thailand police have arrested two persons in connection with the incident.

However, the money and other valuables stolen from him are yet to be recovered. Varghese, who settled in Mumbai 20 years ago, had travelled to Thailand on a holiday trip one month ago. He is survived by his wife and two daughters.
Meanwhile, authorities in Thailand have said that Varghese’s body would be handed over to relatives only after the investigation is completed. The Indian embassy in that country has intervened in the matter, said the relatives.

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