Kochi: In the incident where a 23-year-old woman gave birth to a child in the bathroom of a hostel near Old Market Road at Kaloor in Kochi, the father has now come forward saying he is willing to marry the mother and accept the baby. Police had yesterday recorded the detailed statements of the mother and father, who is a Kollam native.

Both their families were not aware of the relationship. However, after the incident, police summoned both families to the station and spoke to them. They did not oppose the relationship and told the police they were ready to get the couple married as soon as the mother of the child left the hospital.


On being informed of the incident, police took the mother and the newborn to the Ernakulam General Hospital. They were reported to be in good health.

The woman, who works in a private institution in Ernakulam, lives in a shared room with six others. Her roommates, unaware of her pregnancy, had previously inquired about her frequent discomfort, but she avoided the questions claiming she had some health issues.


On Sunday morning, alarmed by a prolonged stay in the bathroom with no response to calls, the roommates forced open the door and found her holding the newborn. The woman had told the police that her friend was the father of the baby.