Malappuram: In a significant development, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has apprehended four policemen in connection with the custodial death of Thamir Jifri in Tanur, Malappuram. 

The CBI team has taken into custody the following individuals:
1. Jinesh, Senior Civil Police Officer of Tanur station - first accused
2. Albin Augustine, Civil Police Officer (CPO) of Parapanangadi station - second accused
3. Abhimanyu, Civil Police Officer (CPO) of Kalpakanchery station - third accused
4. Vipin, Civil Police Officer (CPO) of Tirurangadi station - fourth accused


On August 1, Thamir Jifri had collapsed and died at Tanur Police Station after a team of District Anti Narcotics Special Action Force (DANSAF) members nabbed him along with five others from Chelari. He was taken into custody on narcotics charges and presented at  Tanur Police Station on July 31st night. The reports of post-mortem and chemical examinations proved that he was brutally beaten up.

Eight policemen were suspended in connection with the incident, and four individuals were charged with murder. Initially, the crime branch handled the investigation, but dissatisfaction with the progress prompted Thamir's relatives to seek intervention from courts, leading to the transfer of the case to the CBI.