Kollam: The Kollam Additional Sessions Court has rejected the bail plea of Anupama, the third accused in the abduction case at Oyur here five months ago. Anupama had filed a bail application stating her desire to continue her studies. However, the prosecution opposed her bail, citing concerns about potential witness intimidation or influence. The court agreed with the prosecution's argument and denied Anupama's bail application.

Anupama is the daughter of the first accused, KR Padmakumar (51), and his wife, Anithakumari (39). As of now, the first two accused have not submitted bail applications.


The six-year-old girl was kidnapped in a car during the last week of November 2023. The accused who abandoned the child at the Kollam ashram grounds were arrested on December 1. The Pooyappally police initially registered the case, which was later investigated by the District Rural Crime Branch team. The charge sheet for the case was submitted on February 8.

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