Malappuram: Police slapped murder charges on the father of a two-and-a-half-year-old girl, who died here after being subjected to brutal physical assault. As per the postmortem report, the deceased – Nasrin – had suffered a week-long assault which eventually led her to death.

The accused, Konthathodika Muhammed Fayiz (24) - who hails from Udirampoyil near Kalikavu - is also facing charges under the Juvenile Justice Act.


There were around 60 wounds on the child’s body, contradicting the family’s initial claim that she had choked on food, according to the autopsy report. Instead, it was determined that sustained assault over a week, including a broken rib and injuries to her chest and head, led to Nasrin's demise. The toddler was admitted to the hospital on Sunday afternoon.

Fayiz met Nasrin’s mother four years ago and initiated a love relationship through WhatsApp. Even though the woman conceived Nasrin during that time, their marriage got delayed as Fayiz had not reached the legal age to marry. The couple tied the knot last year and have another child who is three months old.


The relatives of Nasrin’s mother alleged that Fayiz has a history of violence towards both his wife and the elder child. They allege that the fatal incident occurred when Fayiz threw Nasrin, causing her to fall and hit her head on the edge of a cot. The family also added that the toddler had already died before being taken to the hospital.