Kannur: Four KSU workers were hospitalised following an alleged clash between KSU and SFI members at two different institutes in the district on Tuesday. The incidents took place at Korom Vanitha Residential Polytechnic near Payyanur and Thottada Government Industrial Training Institute (ITI).

According to KSU representatives, six SFI workers arrived on two motorcycles and attacked KSU workers outside Korom Polytechnic. At Thottada ITI, KSU workers were allegedly assaulted for creating a social media account for the organization.

Ananya Babu (20) and M Pooja (20), third-year Computer Engineering students at the polytechnic, were admitted to a private hospital in Payyanur with injuries. First-year ITI students Anurag P K and Akshay Krishna were also injured and hospitalised at Chakkarakallu government hospital. KSU has lodged complaints in both cases.

"Without provocation, SFI attacked KSU women workers and prevented KSU district leaders from attending a unit meeting at the polytechnic," stated KSU District President M C Athul. However, despite confirmation from Payyanur police about receiving the complaint regarding the polytechnic incident, no FIR was registered even by 11 pm on Tuesday. Edakkad police denied receiving any complaint regarding the Thottada ITI attack.

KSU leaders revealed that the police have not yet approached the hospitalised workers for statements. They clarified that the assault on the girls occurred outside the Korom Polytechnic campus, while at the ITI, KSU workers were attacked by a group of SFI members who dragged them out of a classroom during a class session and assaulted them with an iron rod. KSU workers claim there were seven SFI members involved in the attack. SFI District Secretary P S Sanjeev refuted these allegations, stating there were no such incidents.