New Delhi/Kannur: The National Investigation Agency on Monday arrested a suspected master trainer of the banned Popular Front of India (PFI) – Jafar Bheemantavida – from his house in Kannur. Jafar was wanted in a case registered in 2022 related to a conspiracy by the proscribed organisation to establish Islamic rule in the country by 2047, an NIA spokesperson said.

The NIA's fugitive tracking team and the Anti-Terror Squad (ATS) tracked Jafar down to his house in Kannur in a joint operation. According to the official, he is the 59th accused to be arrested in the case in which the NIA has so far charge-sheeted 60 people.


The NIA said its investigations have revealed that Bheemantavida was part of the PFI machinery that had been operating clandestinely to establish Islamic rule in the country by 2047.

He was suspected to be a PFI master trainer, engaged in imparting weapons training to PFI cadres to prepare them to operate as members of the Service Team/Hit Squads of the organisation. Such a team or squad is mandated with the responsibility of carrying out targeted attacks and using force in the execution of the orders of the PFI leadership, the spokesperson said.


The official said Jafar was also earlier involved in various attempt to murder and assault cases in Kerala. The investigation is continuing and efforts are on to trace the other absconding accused involved in the conspiracy, the spokesperson said.
(With PTI inputs)