Thiruvananthapuram: Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan on Thursday said that the Central govt has granted site and defence clearance for the Sabarimala Greenfield Airport project. He responded thus while answering the question of CPM MLA K U Jenish Kumar, who called his attention to the necessity to expedite the construction of the airport. The airport is being developed on land in Erumeli South and Manimala villages in Kottayam district

Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan said that an application for security clearance is under consideration by the Ministry of Home Affairs. Vijayan said that an environmental impact study report has been prepared and steps were being taken to submit it before the Union Ministry of Forests, Environment and Climate Change for approval. Besides that, a seven-member expert committee, appointed to study the final Social Impact Assessment study report prepared by the Center for Management Development (CMD), has submitted its recommendations regarding the project, he said.


Based on the committee's recommendations, the process of acquiring around 2,570 acres of land for the construction of the airport has been initiated, the CM said in the Assembly. Vijayan further said that steps were also being taken to form a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) for the Sabarimala Airport and to select an agency to prepare the Detailed Project Report (DPR). The Kerala government had in December last year issued an order to proceed with the acquisition of 2,570 acres of land in Kottayam district for this ambitious project.
(With PTI inputs)