Thiruvananthapuram: The much-awaited Kerala Christmas New Year bumper lottery results were declared on Wednesday. The winning ticket number for the prize of Rs 20 crore is XC-224091. It was sold by lottery agent named Shahjahan from Palakkad. The ticket was sold to another sub-agent in Thiruvananthapuram two weeks ago.

The results of Christmas New Year Bumper BR-95 were announced at Gorky Bhavan, near Bakery Junction here at 2 pm.

The second prize of Rs 1 crore each will be given to 20 people. The second-prize-winning ticket numbers are XE 409265, XH 316100, XK 424481, XH 388696, XL 379420, XA 324784, XG 307789, XD 444440, XB 311505, XA 465294, XD 314511, XC 483413, XE 398549, XK 105413, XE 319044, XB 279240, XJ 103824, XE 243120, XB 378872, XL l421156.

The bumper offers the highest first prize after the Thiruvonam bumper. The ticket price was Rs 400. Out of 50 lakh tickets, 45 lakh tickets were sold as on Tuesday.

Finance Minister KN Balagopal released the Summer Bumper with a first prize of Rs 10 crore before the Christmas bumper draw.

Prize winners should verify the winning numbers with the results published in the Kerala Government Gazette and surrender the winning tickets within 30 days. The winners may collect their prize money from the Kerala lottery office or a bank by showing the winning ticket and identification document. Prizes less than Rs 5,000 may be collected from any lottery shop in the state.