Thiruvananthapuram: Kerala's education board will introduce fresh textbooks in schools in the upcoming academic year. The books were prepared by the State Council of Education Research and Training (SCERT) and approved by the Curriculum Steering Committee.

The new set of textbooks will be introduced in Classes I, III, V, VII and IX from the upcoming academic year. Fresh textbooks will be presented to Classes II, IV, VI, VIII and X only in 2025.
The new curriculum includes Malayalam Aksharamala (alphabet list) learning and special textbooks for skill development. Respective teachers have to confirm whether the students learn Malayalam alphabets by the end of their Class 1 studies, said V Sivankutty, Kerala's Minister for General Education and Labour.


Other significant changes are:

  •  All textbooks will have the preamble of the Indian Constitution.
  • Each of the textbooks for Class I will have a supplementary activity book.
  • A digital version of all the books will be made available.
  • Scientific thinking, cleanliness, civic sense, and gender parity awareness will be included in the curriculum.
  • Chapters on creating awareness of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act will also be part of the curriculum.

There is a significant change in content in language and social science textbooks. The educational body will also appoint a Curriculum Commission to implement the new syllabus.