Thiruvananthapuram: A man and his son were arrested for allegedly defrauding Malayalam film actor Kollam Thulasi of Rs 20 lakh in a money-doubling scheme. The accused - Santhosh Kumar and his son Deepak, natives of Thiruvananthapuram - were apprehended by the Museum police here.

As said by the police, the father-son duo duped the actor by promising to double the amount he invested. They also tricked money from multiple individuals by creating a company called G Capital.


Santhosh and Deepak initially bought Rs 2 lakh from the actor and returned it as Rs 4 lakh, double the initial sum. The actor then deposited Rs 20 lakh to the money scheme, but the accused went into hiding after taking the amount.

Thiruvananthapuram Museum police registered a case in connection with the incident and started the investigation. The father and the boy were hiding for two years and the police arrested them from Delhi. There are also cases against both of the accused in Srikariyam, Vattiurkav and Fort police stations in Thiruvananthapuram district.