Alappuzha: In a tragic incident, a woman and her three-year-old son were drowned after an autorickshaw carrying five people lost control and plunged into the Achankovil river here on Sunday. The deceased are Athira (31), wife of Venmani native Sailesh and their three-year-old son Kasinath. Sailesh (43), his daughter Keerthana (11) and driver Saju (45) were rescued

Athira's body was recovered on Sunday while Kasinath's body was found trapped between rocks in the river on Monday morning. Though Athira was rushed to Mavelikkara district hospital, doctors declared her dead.


The family met with the accident while returning home after visiting the temple on Sunday around 5:45 pm. According to witnesses, the autorickshaw which lost control plunged into the river after hitting a concrete block. Natives who rushed to the spot took the initiative for the rescue operation. Later, fire and rescue personnel and scuba divers intensified the search for the three-year-old.

Minister Saji Cheriyan also reached the spot to coordinate the search. Strong water currents and heavy rain in the area hindered the search operation.

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