Thrissur: An HR manager has been arrested for allegedly syphoning off Rs 57.46 lakh from the company accounts by forging fake salary slips in the names of the employees. The East Police arrested Roshin, 37, a resident of Guruvayur. The action was taken based on a complaint by Zubair, the CEO of Nandilath G Mart on Marar Road here.

The accused, who worked at the corporate office here, was found to have manipulated the salary accounts of employees who worked there between June 25, 2018, and January 31, 2023, and transferred the money to the accounts of his relatives.


He allegedly committed the fraud by falsifying the electronic data and submitting it to the corporate office. He forged fake salary slips in the names of those who were not even working there and transferred the money to the accounts of his wife, father, brother, and friends.

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