The customs officials at Kochi airport seized gold worth over Rs 22.94 lakh on Monday. The accused, Rasik Mumthaz, arrived on an Air Arabia flight from Sharjah carrying 24-carat gold weighing 437.35 gms. Rasik is from Chennai. She was wearing gold in the form of hair clips. Further investigation is on, said customs officials.

Recently, the Kochi customs had also seized gold worth Rs 47.2 lakh from two passengers at the airport. In the first case, Thaneswaran Kuppuswamy, who had arrived from Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia by Malindo Airlines, was found carrying 710.39g of gold worth Rs 37.22 lakh.


In the second case, Customs officials intercepted Mohammed Rasheed, of Palakkad, who had arrived from Sharjah on an Air India Express flight with gold worth Rs 10 lakh in his possession.

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