Kochi: The police on Sunday arrested a man for issuing a death threat to Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The accused is Kathrukadavu native Xavier.

Kochi Police said there was no plot to assassinate the Prime Minister and added the man wrote the letter to take revenge on his neighbour.


Xavier sent a letter to BJP state president K Surendran claiming a plot to assassinate Modi in Kochi. The letter carried the address of his neighbour N J Jonhy.

Kochi City police commissioner K Sethu Raman told reporters that Xavier had sent the letter to implicate his neighbour. The police also conducted scientific examinations to check the handwriting of the person.


Johny, whose name and phone number were on the alleged threat letter, reiterated that he was innocent.

"Police did question me. I gave them all the details. They crosschecked the handwriting and everything," he told the media.


His family also said they suspected another person from the locality behind the letter.  

The news of the threat letter came out on Saturday after a report by ADGP (Intelligence) on the security plan for PM got leaked.