Thiruvananthapuram: Health Minister Veena George on Friday issued an order appointing Dr K J Reena as the director of the health department. Reena was the additional director of health services before this.

The decision comes amid growing criticism that the health department's functioning was being affected due to the delay in appointing a director.


The additional director was in charge of the department for one-and-a-half years.

A committee was formed in October 2022, with the principal secretary of the health department as convener, to appoint a new director. 


It was the first that a committee was being formed to appoint a DHS (director of health services). Other members of the committee included the additional chief secretary of the Personnel & Administrative Reforms Department, the secretary of the Law Department, and the director of the Medical Education Department.

Based on the recommendation submitted by this committee, Dr K J Reena was given the responsibility.


This is the longest the post of DHS has lied vacant. When Dr Saritha stepped down from the post in April 2021, Dr Ramesh was given the charge. However, he resigned from the post within two months, after which the temporary charge was handed over to Assistant DHS Dr Raju. 

A few months later, Raju retired and the temporary charge was given to ADHS Dr Preetha. When Dr Preetha applied for voluntary retirement, the health department decided to form a committee to find a new full-time director.

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