Thiruvananthapuram: Kerala Governor Arif Mohammed Khan has given assent to a legislative amendment Bill seeking to increase the sales tax on Indian-Made Foreign Liquor (IMFL) by 4 per cent. The increased prices will come into effect as soon as the notification of the revised law is out.

The tax on foreign liquor goes up to 251% with the latest hike.


A 1% hike on the processing cost of the Kerala State Beverages Corporation Ltd (BEVCO) will also come into effect soon with a government order. The Kerala General Sales Tax (Amendment) Bill received the nod over a week after it was sent to the Raj Bhavan.

University Bill
The University Laws (Amendment) Bill which was passed by the Kerala Legislative Assembly on Thursday is yet to be sent to the Raj Bhavan. The Bill seeks to remove the Governor as Chancellor of Universities.

The Governor is set to leave for Delhi this weekend. He will return to Kozhikode on December 20. The Governor may have to go through the Bill online if it reaches Raj Bhavan anytime in between.

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