Thiruvananthapuram: In a first, the Kerala Legislative Assembly is set to have an all-women Speaker panel. While legislators U Pratibha and CK Asha will represent the government, KK Rema, MLA, will represent the Opposition on the panel.

The new Assembly Speaker MN Shamseer recommended that names of women candidates should be considered to the panel. 


A member on the Speaker's Panel should regulate the assembly proceedings when the Speaker and Deputy Speaker are absent in the House.

Normally, the panel includes at most one woman member.
Out of a total of 515 members who have appeared on the panel from the first Kerala Legislative Assembly to the current seventh session of the 15th one, only 32 women have been part of it.


The seventh session of the current legislature started on Monday. The fourth session this year is scheduled from December 5 to 15. It is the first being presided by Speaker Shamseer.

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