Thiruvananthapuram: Amidst a DYFI campaign against unemployment, its parent party, CPM, has landed in a piquant spot as its young Mayor heading the Thiruvananthapuram Municipal Corporation was exposed attempting backdoor appointment of party loyalits.

In her letter to CPM's Thiruvananthapuram district chief Anavoor Nagappan, Mayor Arya Rajendran had allegedly sought candidates for recruitment to various posts of the Corporation's health wing on a daily wage basis. Apparently after sending the letter the Mayor went to Delhi to take part in a DYFI protest against rising unemployment!


The Mayor participated in the protest along with her husband Sachin Dev, MLA, on Thursday, raising the slogan 'Where is my job?'. Arya had also shared the photos of the protest, which was inaugurated by CPM general secretary Sitaram Yechury.

Though the Mayor claimed that she had not written the letter, she did not find many backers on social media.


The Mayor's social media posts have drawn comments ridiculing the protest against unemployment. The CPM cyber team is also struggling to justify her action.

CPM district secretary, who strongly defends any report against CPM through his social media account, was also silent on Saturday. When Nagappan met the media on Saturday morning, he claimed had not seen such a letter but did not make any claim that it was fake. He instead said that he had tried to contact the Mayor to seek the details, but that she was not available over the phone.


Amid this, a similar letter by the corporation's parliamentary party secretary D R Anil to Nagappan also surfaced, confirming that this is a routine practice for the party. With this, the party has been pushed further on the back foot.