Applications for hotel star rating pile up

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Kozhikode: Hospitality entrepreneurs in Kerala are a worried lot as nearly a hundred applications for star-rating classification are awaiting action from the Ministry of Tourism for the last two years.
Most of them have set up luxury hotels, aiming for the four-star or five-star distinction, by spending an enormous sum to tap the enormous potential in the tourism and travel market. However, the hotels have not been accorded the star classification despite submitting the applications long back.
The applications began to pile up after the Union Tourism Ministry stopped inspections in the wake of the pandemic. The hoteliers have demanded the intervention of the state government to hasten the process.
It’s the Ministry of Tourism that accords sanction for the operation of hotels, travel agencies, tour operators, and homestays among others, and extend them classification based on factors including the facilities they boast. A team under the Chennai Regional Director conducts a special inspection before extending the star rating classification to them.
Normally, hotels are accorded the classification within two months of submitting the application. However, applications submitted even two years back are awaiting action, sources said.
The hotels will be issued bar licenses only if they receive the classification. Tourists, especially international visitors, usually won’t prefer hotels with no bar facility, which will considerably affect their revenue. Foreign tourists book hotels for their stay here on the basis of star rating and other factors. Even while registering on websites, hotels will receive the benefits only if they mention their star rating.
Kerala comparatively witnesses a higher number of applications, since the star rating of hotels is connected with the issuance of bar licenses.
The Union Tourism Ministry cites the pandemic and lockdowns as the reason for the delay in conducting inspections. With the lifting of the restrictions, the regional offices have resumed the mandatory checks. Action on pending applications will be taken at the earliest, officials of the Ministry said. However, the Ministry refused to divulge the number of such pending applications from the state.